Bulk Cargo Containers
Bulk Cargo Containers
Protect and conceal large shipments with Bulk Cargo Containers!
  • Many standard air freight containers available.
  • Makes a great master pack for smaller cartons.
  • Easy to pack.
  • Protect irregularly shaped shipments.
  • R.S.C. = Regular Slotted Container
  • F.O.L. = Full Over Lap
  • H.S.C. = Half Slotted Container
  • Lid Available (Sold Separately)
All Prices per Each. Larger Quantity Discounts Available.

Order online and receive 5% off listed prices.
  PRICE PER BOX (Must Order in Full Bundles) 
AF30171730 x 17 x 17" Double Wall Corrugated Boxes - 5/Bundle$13.11$11.27$11.04Call ---
AF36222236 x 22 x 22" Double Wall Corrugated Boxes - 5/Bundle$21.39$18.40$18.17Call ---
AF41282541 x 28 3/4 x 25 1/2" Double Wall Corrugated Boxes - 5/Bundle$31.97$27.60$26.45Call ---
TELEBTM47 1/4 x 39 1/2 x 25" Telescoping Inner Boxes - 5/Bundle$12.42$11.73$11.27Call ---
TELETOP47 3/4 x 40 x 34" Telescoping Outer Boxes - 5/Bundle$12.19$10.35$10.12Call ---
GAYLORDLID48 x 40 x 5" Gaylord Lids - 5/Bundle$7.59$6.44$6.21Call ---
GAYLORD48 x 40 x 36" Gaylord Bottom - 5/Bundle$17.02$16.10$15.64Call ---
GAYLORDDW48 x 40 x 36" Double Wall Gaylord Bottom - 5/Bundle$26.91$25.07$24.15Call ---
AF58414558 x 41 x 45" Double Wall Corrugated Boxes - 1/Bundle$132.25$112.70$110.40Call ---
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